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The Bay Area Media Page

From the WCDC Newsletter:

This is referencing the 1995 AFL/CIO COPE (Comitte on Political Education) picnic celebrating Labor Day at the Alameda County Fairgrounds.

Observations on a small part of the Media (LGB):

I attended the Labor day picnic, of course to welcome the president, but primarily to get an unfiltered version of events to compare with what was presented on the eventing news. I watched channel 5 (KPIX) and channel 2 (KTVU). KPIX reduced the entire event to a nigglingly brief piece and the President's speech to a tiny single topic soundbite, with no mention of such important issues raised as increasing the minimum wage and workplace safety. KTVU had reasonably extensive excerpts of the speech and a mention of each of the President's other important points, plus short soundbites from members of the audience. I used to do a lot of switching between these two channels during their 10 PM news, but now, when it comes to coverage of the President, I'd rather watch channel 2 commercials than the absurd reductions presented by channel 5.

Quote and Context:

"The most subversive thing you can do [in the U. S. A.] is to ride a bicycle." Talk show host and former Governor Jerry Brown, responding to a caller's critique of our consumption oriented economic and social system, ("We the People", KPFA 94.1 4:00 PM weekdays.)

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