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There may be some redundant pictures as this is a first cut. Some thinning will occur later. There will also
be web pages constructed so that the title graphics may be placed separately for group showings.
Some technical information is presented that may not be of general interest. Some pictures of placards will
be rewitten as titles and web page text.

Flight to and from China

A small show showing the Great Circle Route from SFO to Beijing and the Jet Stream Route from Shanghai to SFO.

Beijing Part One

To and at Tienamin Square and the Forbidden City.
Shows the street scenes around the square and then the gates, courtyards and halls of the Forbidden City -
the Emporer's palace during the Ming and Ching Dynasties.
Includes building decorations and the Imperial Gardens.

Beijing Part Two

The Great Wall of China. A beautiful sunny day, ideal for photography.
A quick northerly climb to the fourth tower showing the surrounding hills, old and restored stonework,
tourists, and replicas of weapons used in

Beijing Part Three

Ming Tombs. Shows a Ming Tomb hall and artifacts excavated.
Includes portions of a long ceramonial walkway, The Sacred Walk lined with marble sculptures.

Beijing Part Four

The Summer Palace. Built by the Doweger Empress in the 1860's and emblematic of Ching Dynasty decadance.

Beijing Part Five

Modern Beijing, The Imperial Observatory and Shopping.
Shows some interseting modern buildings, old astronomical instruments, and a downtown shopping area.

Wuhan Part One

Flight to Whuhan across rural China.
Hubei Provincial Museum with artifacts excavated from a tomb, including a magnificent concert bell set with unique capabilities.
Concert with authentic ancient orchestral music and long sleve dancing

Wuhan Part Two

The Yellow Crane Pagoda - modern in construction, ancient in history and legend.
The Rock and Bonsai Museum that Includes a magnificent large mammal skeleton - a Platybelodon - from the Miocene era.
We board the cruise ship Splendid China and view the first Yangtze River Bridge at Wuhan.

Flatland Yangtze Part One

The Cruising Life - very relaxing aboard the MV Splendid China. See shore scenes and river commerce.
The ship is shown in detail with craft shops amd bridge and engineering tours.
Staff night show with dancing. Crew activities.

Flatland Yangtze Part Two

We stop off at Shashi to see a 2300 year old well preserved corpse and tomb artifiacts.
We travel inland a short distance to see the best preserved ancient wall in China.
Returning to the boat we travel overnight to see The Gezhuba Dam Lock Passage the next day.
Traveling up the resevoir we overnight complete the approach to the Three Gorges Dam construction site through part of Xiling Gorge.

Three Gorges Dam

Huge construction project - it will be the largest dam in the world. Dam model, viewpoint overview of locks and dam.
Passage by dam.

More to Come

Work continues on the remainder of the pictures - these will include:

Three Gorges
Lesser Three Gorges on the Danning River
Jade Chop Hill - Garden - Pagoda - Temple
Chunqing - City and its History - Festival with Double Dragon Dance - Great Hall of the People - Public Art
Xi'an with Bo Village and Terracota Army
Shanghai Bund - Jade Budda Temple - Shopping - Buildings - Acrobats
Shanghai Airport